New Mexico State University, Las Cruces, NM                                                       1997

Ph.D. Curriculum and Instruction


ESL Certified



Co-Director “ProjectDignidad” a Mexican Civil Association implementing sexual abuse prevention education in southern Mexico.

Owner STEM Education Associates providing educational consulting and program evaluation.

External Evaluator Training for Environmental Research and Academic Success TIERA.   Department of Education funded program to Environmental Sciences Program at University of Texas at El Paso.  September 2013 – October 2016. (P.I. Walsh)

External Evaluator Ngage New Mexico, Collaborative Impact Education Initiative for Doña Ana County, NM. W.K.Kellogg Foundation funded program, December 2013 – November 2016.

Curriculum Developer/ Co-PI Buen Ambiente, Buena Salud  EPA-funded grant to provide air quality curriculum to El Paso Independent Schools              2014-2017

Curriculum Writer  Creative Kids, Inc. El Paso, Texas.

Project Evaluator UTEP NSF 10-561 GSE/RSE Latinas in Computer Science and Engineering, $499,729  Sept.1, 2012 – Aug 30, 2015 (PI Villa)

Project Evaluator UTEP NSF Noyce Capacity project, 2012 – 2015

Project Evaluator New Mexico State University NSF Noyce Scholar Program, 2012 -2015

Part Time Instructor, UTEP Teacher Education/College of Science              2012-2016

Associate Professor, UTEP Teacher Education                                              2005-   2011

Department Chair, UTEP Teacher Education                                                 2005-   2009

Assistant Professor UTEP Teacher Education                                                     1999-2005

Professor Exchange UTEP and Universidad Autónoma de Ciudad Juárez

Simposio Sobre el Medioambiente del Desierto Chihuahuense                                  2002

Environmental Education Coordinator

Waste Management Education Research Consortium  New Mexico State University                                                                 1998-2000

State Coordinator for Teacher Involvement

New Mexico Collaborative for Excellence in Teacher Preparation (NSF)                 1997-8

Southwest Regional Coordinator

New Mexico NSF State Systemic Initiative (SIMSE)                                               1993-7

Strategic planning for math and science curriculum with 45 schools. Organized and led state committee for writing Science Education Standards K-12. Led professional development for over 2000 teachers in science standards and curriculum. Led the state team to create first NM Science Education Standards.

Elementary/Middle School Teacher

Las Cruces Public Schools (middle school science for 9 years)

1970-1992 Native American Preparatory School Science Teacher                                       1987

Writer Water Quality Curriculum with grant from Los Alamos National Lab   1990-1991




TED5300 Research for the Classroom Teacher

TED5329 Chemistry in a Feminist Context

TED5301 Curriculum and Learning Contexts

SIED5327 Chemistry Education in a Feminist and Multicultural Context

SCI5311 Research Methods for Science Teachers I

SCI5312 Research Methods for Science Teachers II


ELED4311 Teaching Science in the Elementary School

BED4311  Teaching Science in Dual Language Classroom

MSED4311 Teaching Science in the Middle School

SCED3311 Curriculum Planning in the Secondary School



Hampton, E. and Cynthia Ontiveros. (in press). The Copper Stain: The Legacy of ASARCO in El Paso. University of Oklahoma Press.

Hampton, E. with Anay Palomeque de Carillo. (2013). Anay’s Will to Learn: A Woman’s Education in the Shadow of the Maquiladora. Austin, Texas: University of Texas Press. Eight-year ethnographic study of a maquiladora worker’s struggle through factory labor conditions, poverty, and violence to achieve her education.

Hampton, E. & Peregrino, S. (Editors). (2006). Researching for mutual understanding in diverse communities: A toolkit for educators. Dubuque, Iowa: Kendall Hunt Publishing Company.

Jolly, E., Hampton, E., & Guzman, W. (1998).  Bridging homes and schools: A resource for educators in multilingual communities. Dubuque, IA:  Kendall/Hunt.

Environmental Education Exchange (1998). (Elaine Hampton, initial author). Border Environmental Education Resource Guide. Washington, DC: Environmental Protection Agency (Environmental Education Exchange).


Book Chapters

Villa, E. Q., Esquinca, A., Hampton, E., & Hsu, P. L. (Forthcoming). Navigating hurdles into and through undergraduate engineering and computer science studies. In T. T. Yuen, E. Bonner, & M. G. Arreguí (Eds.), (Under)Represented Latin@s in STEM: Increasing Participation Through Education and the Workplace. New York, NY: Peter Lang Publishing.

Hampton, E., Cynthia Ontiveros, Amy Canales, Monica Chavez, Manuel Piña Jr., W.L. Hargrove, Wen-Whai Li, Susan Brown, Bora Simmons, Jennifer Lujan. (2017). Collaborative Creation of an Air Quality Curriculum that Promotes Community-Based Learning. In Eds. Nuñez, Gina M., and Azuri Gonzalez. Community Engagement and High Empact Practices in Higher Education.  Dubuque, Iowa: Kendall Hunt Publishing.

Hampton, E. (2007). “Overview of research methodology.” In Hampton and Peregrino (Eds.) Research for Mutual Understanding, (pp. 1- 13). Dubuque, IW: Kendall Hunt Publishing.

Hampton, E., Licona, M., & Izquierdo, E. (2005). Learning science in multilingual settings. In Anna Huerta-Macias (Ed.), Working with English Language Learners:  A Guide to Successful Practice. Kendall Hunt Publishers.

Hampton, E. (2004). Standardized or sterilized? Divergent perspectives on the effects of high-stakes testing in West Texas.  In Angela Valenzuela (Ed.), Leaving Children Behind: Why Texas-Style Accountability Fails Latino Youth, (pp. 179-200). Albany, NY: State University of New York Press.


Articles in Refereed Journals

Hampton, E., Lee, W.Y., Keele, K., and Wallace M. (2009). Plastics in the environment: a jigsaw learning activity. NSTA Science Scope 32 (7), p. 56-61.

Hampton, E. and Reyes, R. (2008). Sick children, alternative assessments, and what happens at home during testing time: Mexican-American voices in educational policy. Journal for Border Education Research 7 (1), p. 29 – 40.

Giza, B.H., Hampton, E., Robertson, W.  (2006). Implementing the Texas Master Science Teacher Program. The Texas Science Teacher. Fall 2007.

Hampton, E. & Licona, M. (2006). Examining the impact of science fairs in a Mexican-

American community. Journal of Border Education Research, 5, 99-111.

Hampton, E. & Rodriguez, R. (2005). Science concept learning in a dual language setting. The TABE Journal, 8(1), 36-50.

Hampton, E. and Cashman, T. (2004). The highly questionable, “Highly Qualified” label. Action in Teacher Education, XXVI(2), 15-23.

Hampton, E.  (2004). Globalization legacy: A view of U. S. factory involvement in Mexican education. Multicultural Education Magazine, 11(4) 2-11.

Hampton, E. (2004). Education in the corporate wake. Proceedings of the First Binational Symposium of Education Researchers. Mexico City, April 2004. Available on the Symposium website at:

Hampton, E., Liguori. O, & Rippberger, S. (2003) Binational border collaboration for teacher educators. Multicultural Education Magazine, 11(1), 2-10.

Hampton, E. & Rodriguez, R. (2001). Inquiry science in bilingual classrooms. Bilingual Research Journal (24)4, 461-477.


Electronic Journal of Literacy through Science                                  Fall 2003 to present

Comparative Educational Review                                                      Fall 2003 to present

Journal of Borderland Studies                                                                        2007

Bilingual Research ourJnal                                                                  2011

Review Panel for DR-K12  NSF Grants                                            2012

National Presidential Awards for Excellence in Science Teaching    1997

EPA Region 6 Environmental Education Grants          1998, 2002, 2004, 2010